Category Archives: The Gza

The HipHopHeads Podcast: Bonus Episode (GZA/Genius Harvard Lecture)

The GZA has been in Boston the past fews days visiting the most elite schools in the country picking scientists and other genius brains. The other day he stopped by Harvard University and gave a lecture for the Black Mens Forum and basically told the story of his life. The Crypt was in the place to be and we we’re taking video which was prohibited…. Sadly our video was shot basically at the wall but I was able to extract the audio for your listening pleasure. I wasnt able to catch the whole thing but I got about 30 mins of the event. It was a really cool event and it was really nice to hear the story of the GZA from the GZA.

Recently someone requested that I re-up my GZA/Genius Harvard Lecture, I really had trouble tracking this down via my own files but thankfully some friends specifically Claaa7 from Wu-Tang Corp/claaa7 blogspot came through with the assist as they saved my OG upload, salute! You can download the OG file and see the OG post HERE. You can listen to this episode on any podcast app, please subscribe, rate, comment.

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The GZA/Genius Live @ Harvard University Lecture (audio)

The GZA has been in Boston the past fews days visiting the most elite schools in the country picking scientists and other genius brains. The other day he stopped by Harvard University and gave a lecture for the Black Mens Forum and basically told the story of his life. The Crypt was in the place to be and we we’re taking video which was prohibited…. Sadly our video was shot basically at the wall but I was able to extract the audio for your listening pleasure. I wasnt able to catch the whole thing but I got about 30 mins of the event. It was a really cool event and it was really nice to hear the story of the GZA from the GZA.

The GZA Lecture @ Harvard Dec. 1st

Just spotted this over at 2DB my man Shake threw it up, I wonder how I can get in?

On December 1st, The Genius is set to give a lecture about his music career and lyrical craft at Harvard’s Black Men’s Forum. According to Rolling Stone, the lecture will be held at 4PM and will be followed by a Q&A.

via Rolling Stone

Wu-Tang Clan rapper GZA/The Genius is set to give a lecture about his music career and lyrical craft at Harvard’s Black Men’s Forum on December 1st. The lecture, which will be held at 4 p.m., will be followed by a Q&A with the legendary emcee and is open to the general public.

While in Cambridge, Massachusetts, the GZA plans to visit the Broad Institute and the MIT Media Lab. According to a statement from the rapper, he intends to speak with scientists and thinkers there to seek inspiration for his next album, which is due out sometime next year on Babygrande Records.