Category Archives: Nas

The HipHopHeads Podcast: Episode 23 (Devin The Dude)
The HipHopHeads Podcast Episode 23 (Devin The Dude)
In this amazing episode we discuss the slap at the Oscars. Bonafide reviews The Amazon Prime Tyler The Creator Concert. The grammys were on and we gave our thoughts on the performances. The meat for the show, we talk about Devin The Dude, we talk his career, his life, his accomplishments and just how great he is to us.


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Method Man, Redman, Nas & DMX, Busta Rhymes – Cold Streets (video)

Well talk about a roster I would’ve killed for in 1998. Who has the best verse? It’s a cold ass street with Method Man, Redman, Nas & DMX and Busta Rhymes

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My Main Man Pat: Nas x Gang Starr

My Main Man Pat’s back with a couple great designs.

We are in our 99th week, and it’s only right our last one in double digits will be spent with two golden era classics on the page. We try to keep it current but this right here is the hip-hop I grew up on, and will continue to be a big part of the site in the next 100 weeks. With that said, here’s why I’m loving this week’s fresh ink…

A standing ovation goes out to the homie Alan J. Thatcher for combining two of my favorite things in life with his “Heineken Brew” joint. Illmatic + cold beer = the quickest way to my heart. The man even put a condensated finish on the label…on point as per always Alan.

On a more minimalistic tip, the two words that come to mind on Ollie Sawards “Just To Get A Rep” are eye and pleasing. Like the message of the song and the artwork it inspired, it’s amazing what people will do for just 5 simple words.

Before I dip, with next week being the big 1-0-0 you know we’re going to do something to celebrate. It will involve a giveaway of some sort to those that get the newsletter, so make sure you peep next week’s email for details.

Bump good music this week folks,

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Nas Sees the Picture of the Man Who Enslaved One of His Family Members

Nas with a very powerful video of seeing the slave owner who owned one of his relatives he’s also with that cry baby chump professor from Harvard that drank a beer with Obama a few years back, peace to Harmonator. Nas’s documentary on PBS airs tonight.

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Castlevania and Nas – Nastlevania

Nas and Castlevania, my favorite game series and one of my favorite rappers Nas team up for this incredible remix album.
Welcome to Nastlevania, my second album in my planned trilogy of epic re-imaginings of music through videogame/hip-hop mashups, and the sequel to Chrono Jigga. This time around, we have rapper Nas fighting his way through Dracula’s Castle. Turns out Nas is a Belmont by blood. He has been summoned in our modern-day to defeat Dracula, who has decided he wants to be a rapper and is using the more mindless rap consumers to feed him with their souls in his return to power. Nas must defeat this king of mediocrity and bring back good music to those who have lost their souls to evil.


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Akrobatik and Nas are In Cahoots with Harvard

This video is great, white priviledged kids love hip-hop, you have Nas one of the GOATS cosigning, you got local legend Akrobatik teaching, you have Henry Louis Gates (The guy who had the sit down with Obama and Cambridge Police, because a policeman did his job and responded to a call.) Harvard Professor backing it, now all you need is the tuition and acceptance to Harvard and you can take hiphop class.