Category Archives: logic

My Main Man Pat: Gang Starr x Logic

More goods from My Main Man Pat

First off, we were called out last week for not running a shirt giveaway in a while. I had to agree that it’s been a minute, so we are making up for it this week. In the name of Leescratchterry’s Gang Starr design, simply send in your favorite DJ Premier sample flip by replying to this email to enter into a draw for one of this week’s t-shirts. There are no wrong answers here, so everyone who sends one in will be entered in a draw with the winner being announced to all participants Thursday.

It’s a good week to be offering a giveaway as I am very excited to have both of this week’s joints on the page. There’s not much I can add to the beauty that is “Flipping Script”, but I will let you know that I have been bugging Leescratchterry for a collabo for some time. This was the piece I wanted from the beginning, and I hope you will join me in making it a success as the remainder of this man’s portfolio is bananas.

Neil Kainth brings his way with words back to the page after a brief hiatus. He was evidently pretty inspired by the new Logic joint, and this will be our first shirt design inspired by his work. “Roll Blunts/Make Music” is a life philosophy I can get behind, just like the design itself less is quite often more.

Have a great week and very much looking forward to going through some of these contest entries.


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