Category Archives: Lo-Lifes

The HipHopHeads Podcast: Episode 18 (The Polo-Rican Thirstin Howl the 3rd) Presents The HipHopHeads Podcast Episode 18 (The Polo-Rican Thirstin Howl the 3rd)
In This episode Ben Nice returns and we talk about the All-Star Game Performance of DJ Khaled and his guests. We spoke about the Jean Yuhs documentary and how we didnt hate it! Then we got into our love the one and only the Polo-Rican Thirstin Howl the 3rd. We dive deep in to one of our favorite artists. This and much more throw your Double L’s up for this one.

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We got a Thirstin episode coming and hell I just dropped one, might as well hit you off with this new video featuring Richie Balance and Sticky FINGAZ, this one’s produced by Will Tell and it’s a heater.

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The HipHopHeads Podcast: Bonus Episode (Thirstin Howl the 3rd Interview 3/15/07) Presents The HipHopHeads Podcast: Bonus Episode (Thirstin Howl the 3rd Interview)
This weekend we’re recording an episode about the career of the incredible Thirstin Howl the 3rd. As an appetizer for that I dug in my vaults and blew the dirt off an interview I did with the Lo-Life General. Originally conducted 15 years ago on March 15, 2007,I interviewed Thirstin Howl the 3rd on behalf of Shogun Distribution. This was a small label out of Australia that most notably put out NECRO’s DEATH RAP and MF Grimm’s Hunt For The Gingerbread Man, the label appeared to fizzle out in 2009. Thirstin and I talk about a range of different topics for roughly 20 MINUTES. Admittedly, I was quite nervous doing this interview because I had been a fan since the Lyricist Lounge Show. Thirstin is still very active and still working on a range of different projects, hes truly prolific, support him if you can. So go give it listen and and share it with the homies. Put your L’s up.

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Thirstin Howl The 3rd ft Tha Liknuts – Beautiful People (video)

Omg that beat by Lester is grimy as hell. And JuJu is my favorite MC so yea fuck everyone,

“Twistin up the grape and a bambu, she blowin’ me, you know she gotta do what a fan do, Ju show love you do what it can do, bullshit, I’m lookin’ for a reason to slam you, hate everybody and everything brand new, BEWARE it’s the the Skillionare and his man Ju!”

Les comes in for nasty verse too! Then Thirstin as always brings skills haha, out the crevise comes J-Ro forget it. This is disgusting. Why won’t they drop that Liknuts album, kids take notice, this is hip-hop.