My Main Man Pat: Nas x Gang Starr

My Main Man Pat’s back with a couple great designs.

We are in our 99th week, and it’s only right our last one in double digits will be spent with two golden era classics on the page. We try to keep it current but this right here is the hip-hop I grew up on, and will continue to be a big part of the site in the next 100 weeks. With that said, here’s why I’m loving this week’s fresh ink…

A standing ovation goes out to the homie Alan J. Thatcher for combining two of my favorite things in life with his “Heineken Brew” joint. Illmatic + cold beer = the quickest way to my heart. The man even put a condensated finish on the label…on point as per always Alan.

On a more minimalistic tip, the two words that come to mind on Ollie Sawards “Just To Get A Rep” are eye and pleasing. Like the message of the song and the artwork it inspired, it’s amazing what people will do for just 5 simple words.

Before I dip, with next week being the big 1-0-0 you know we’re going to do something to celebrate. It will involve a giveaway of some sort to those that get the newsletter, so make sure you peep next week’s email for details.

Bump good music this week folks,

The post My Main Man Pat: Nas x Gang Starr appeared first on The Crypt.

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