Category Archives: Episode 01

The Listening Sesh: RJ Payne My Life Iz A Movie 2
The HipHopHeads Podcast
The Listening Sesh: RJ Payne My Life Iz A Movie 2

Welcome to the newest endeavor from and The HipHopHeads Podcast. I wanted to give you more content on the site and in your feed. I always liked doing reviews and review shows. Ive dabbled in it multiple times over the years but now I think I’m ready to make it take off. In this first episode I review the Brand new RJ Payne album My Life Iz A Movie 2! Peep the album give it a listen and tell us what you think? Do you agree or disagree with the rating given?

Thanks for tuning in.


The post The Listening Sesh: RJ Payne My Life Iz A Movie 2 appeared first on TheCrypt.

The HipHopHeads Podcast (Reboot Episode 1) presents The HipHopHeads Podcast
Back after a very long hiatus Vega, Bonafide, and The Supervisor are in front of the mics once again! In this jumpoff episode we talk about hiphop, obviously. We discuss The Supervisors new album, we talk about what weve been listening too lately and much much more.

Listen. Rate. Subscribe

The post The HipHopHeads Podcast (Reboot Episode 1) appeared first on TheCrypt.