Category Archives: Chairman Chow

I Hit The Low Lights Tour Last Night

Beat showcases have been a thing I been hitting a lot in 2023. The production scene is crazy in Boston right now with so many beatmakers, producers and lofi heads that are killing it, it’s hard to keep up. But, going to these showcases really put a light on these artists and their craft and how they’re getting busy. I find these spots awesome if you’re an MC, creative, or just a fan you can network and find yourself connecting with other talented people in the community.

Last night was no different. I drove my ass down to Boston from Maine to give some support to some very talented local artists. Namely our homies Chairman Chow, Loman and Lightfoot whom 2/3 have been featured on The HipHopHeads Podcast. The spot was at a place in Cambridge in Kendall Square called State Park. This is darkly lit whole in the wall bar and eatery. The producers were posted up on a pool table with all their equipment cranking out beats and vocals all night!

The place was packed and had good turn out, vibe was off the hook and very chill, simultaneously. People were getting busy on the boards, mostly sp404’s and rocking the mic as well. I didn’t stay too long as I worked a 12 hour day and still had a hour and half drive home but had a ton of fun! You can see the dates for the tour above and all the dates so far have been free shows! So if you’re in the area of them stopping definetly check it out! It’s a great time.

Peace to my brother The Supervisor who’s PBS album is dropping soon! Chairman Chow who is the hardest working guy in Boston, and Loman and Vinyl Villain two great producers who are elevating the Boston scene. Salute!

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The Dunnas x Chairman Chow – Woolie (Music Video)

The homies the Dunnas have dropped a new video for Woolie directed by Chairman Chow! This song is really great, Oak and Dese have crazy bars. These guys know to make you smile through their raps. Peep this and whodunit! Out now!

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Oak Lonetree x Chairman Chow – Extra Feta (album)

Oak Lonetree and Chairman Chow team up like Parrish and McHale and deliver another banger of an EP for their “Feta” series. This time it’s Extra Feta and team once again delivers. What a damn duo pick this up and support our brothers.

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The Supervisor – Step DAD 2022 (Prod. Chairman Chow)

Our brother The Supervisor dropped his latest single Step DAD 2022 on Friday. We premiered it last week on episode 36 of the podcast. Chairman Chow handles the production which gives me some serious J-Zone vibes. The Super has been crushing it. Give it a spin rack them numbers up.

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Mix Unit Is Ripping Off Every Rapper in The Game

Sunday night live on our podcast we got a package from the scammers @ They’re bootlegging @Supervisor_HLB and @Chairman_Chow_ new album Cattle Guard that’s only been out for a month. This album can only be purchased legally on cassette and streamed via their bandcamp page or wherever you listen to quality streams.

Mix Unit Is selling these fake bootleg cds on crappy CDR’s as well as selling the mp3’s on their site essentially taking the food out of rappers mouths. Not only that but they’re also stealing charity albums where the proceeds go directly to the homeless in Boston. The nerve of these scumbags. The Supervisor see’s 0 of these profits, but has put thousands in to releasing the album independently.

Supervisor took it upon himself to order a bootleg and see what you get. Simply put you get a cd on a crappy blue back CDR, you get two cut outs of the cover art and Mish mashed back cover with the track list on cardstock. The images aren’t the highest quality and is using stolen art from their bandcamp page. Honestly, these guys are scum. Imo, it appears they’re scraping bandcamp for mp3’s of any hiphop artist they can find. I’m curious how many disc’s and mp3’s they sell a month and I’m curious if people think they’re supporting an artist but in actuality they’re supporting a bootlegger.

The PO Box for Mixunit is,

The squad
P.O. BOX 340811
HARTFORD CT, 06134-0811

Phone lines are open 1pm-7pm

The sad part is they’re ripping off everyone and nobody is doing a damn thing. From underground to mainstream and these clowns are still striving. We discussed on the podcast we understand if you share some files or dub a tape/cd for your buddy, but actually trying to profit from this is just gross. Let’s come together as a community and take these assholes down. If you have any info on Mixunit email us or call and leave a voicemail. If you know the powers at be drop a dime in the comment section. We will keep you updated as this progresses.


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Oak Lonetree x Chairman Chow – Axe Somebody (Video)

Our friends Oak and Chow release another fire track called Axe Somebody. Both been on a tear and just keep delivering the goods. This latest one is no exception. Check out our podcast episode with Chow it’s a good one.

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The Supervisor x Chairman Chow – Gentri-Fire (video)

The Supervisor and Chairman Chow continue their tear with some new visuals from the track Gentri-Fire. This is another slick one and the duo really brings it. Check out Cattle Guard available everywhere.

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The Supervisor x Chairman Chow – Sweatxedo (video)

The Supervisor and Chairman Chow have a new album Cattle Guard and this is a banger called Sweatxedo I was rocking Mines yesterday. Filmed at Las Vegas and shot by Chairman Chow this video is grimey. Check out the album at

The Supervisor and Chairman Chow – Cattle Guard

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The Supervisor & Chairman Chow – Turkish Get Up (Official Video)

The Supervisor and Chairman Chow have released Cattle Guard! Here’s the jump off single called Turkish Get Up. Don’t sleep on this one! Pick up the album at

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The HipHopHeads Podcast: Episode 24 (Chairman Chow) Presents
The HipHopHeads Podcast
Episode 24: Chairman Chow

This week The Supervisor Returns and brings a special guest, Chairman Chow. We discuss their brand new album Cattle Guard, how these 2 met and process of making the album. We discuss Chairman Chow’s beginnings in hiphop, how he got into production, his latest project and so much more.

Check out The Supervisor x Chairman Chow – Cattle Guard dropping everywhere 4/19/22


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